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Our drainage and wastewater services are important to our environmental and personal health. By planning ahead, we can make sure we continue to provide these services effectively.
Northumbrian Water is committed to producing Drainage and Wastewater Management Plans (DWMP) which will provide a basis for long-term planning of drainage and wastewater services.
Find out why we need DWMP
Download and view the detailed methodologies that we have developed and applied in the production of our DWMP. The methodologies cover all of the key stages of the DWMP process.
View the detailed methodologies
We have engaged with customers to seek views throughout the DWMP process.
Find out how we engaged with customers
For the DWMP assesses the impact of the plan on the environment both during and after implementation.
Read our Strategic Environmental Assessment
Keep up to date with the latest drainage and wastewater management plan news, right here!
Read our DWMP updates
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