Is your loo leaking?
A leaking toilet can waste on average 215 litres of water every day, costing you around £200 a year. If you have a water meter, we're sure you want to keep that money in your pocket.
How do I know if it's leaking?
Here are a few things you can do to see if your toilet is leaking:
- Can you see water running constantly in the toilet? Sounds like you've got a leak.
- Can you hear the water running, even when it's not in use? Leaks aren't always visible.
- Do you have a water meter? Have you noticed your usage has gone up, but you're not sure why? You might have a leak in your system. We've got advice on what to do if you think your bill is high.
- If you're not sure if it's leaking, use your smartphone to send a video of your toilet (opens new window). We'll contact you within five working days to let you know if you have a leak.
How to get it fixed
We’ve reached the limit of the free toilet repairs we can offer at the moment. This means we can no longer offer you a free repair.
In April 2024, we aimed to fix 3500 toilets in a year, and we’ve already repaired over 5,000. That’s saving an estimated one million litres of water every day.
Find an approved plumber
Since we can’t take on more repairs right now, we recommend you use a WaterSafe approved plumber (opens new window) to fix your toilet.
Most repairs cost between £80 and £140, depending on the work required, so it’s a worthwhile investment when a leaky loo could be costing you around £200 a year.
Need help?
If you think you’d have a problem affording the cost of a plumber to fix your leaky loo, please complete our online form (opens new window).
We’ll do our best to support you or get back in touch once when have updates about our plans from April 2025.
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