Every Penny Counts
We understand that life’s ups and downs can have an effect on the money we have to pay our bills.


That is why we are dedicated to providing affordable bills to all of our customers and there a lots of ways in which we can help.


We have a range of tariffs, payment options and plans to help our customers. We also work closely with third parties such as StepChange and Citizens Advice Bureau to make sure you have the time and help you need to handle your water bills.


If your water bill is 3% or more of your net income you may be entitled to up to 50% off. If you use a lot of water due to illness or have a big family, we might be able to cap your bills.


Even if you’re struggling to budget or looking for advice, there are lots of ways in which we can help because we know that every penny counts. 


Find out more here.

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